The Infernal Devices of the Korova Theatre:
JVC DLA-RS10 High-Definition Projector. This is the centerpiece of the Korova. It is a lovely 1080p 24fps projection unit with outstanding film-like PQ. This projector has been professionally upgraded by Craig Rounds. http://www.cir-engineering.com/
Draper 106 inch Onyx Screen, 1.0 Gain w/Veltex Frame. Easy to assemble and hang, the Draper screen is the best quality short of spending thousands on the Studio Teck 130.
Lumagen Radiance XD Video Processor. Fully compatible with the RS10 by adding extreme color management: Check out their website for the details:
NAD T748v2 7.1 Channel Home Theatre Receiver. Hands down, the best sounding receiver I have ever heard. While it lacks the streaming capability and bells & whistles of more expensive receivers, this workmanlike beast delivers beautiful and expansive sound. And that what it's all about.
(NEW) Wharfedale EVO4.4 Tower Speakers, Wharfedale EVO4.C Center Channel Speaker, Polk FXi5 L/R Bi-Pole Surrounds, Polk FXiA4 Di-Pole Rear Surrounds: (7.1). These speakers are voice matched and sound great! I have these speakers bi-wired with Blu Jeans custom cables for optimal performance.
12" Polk DSW PRO 660wi Powered Subwoofer. This powered subwoofer can shake the room.
Oppo BDP-105 Blu-Ray Player [Modified Region Free]. This beautifully designed and packaged machine is hands-down the best Blu-ray player on the market! I have a region/code free hardwired modified version so firmware can be updated without sacrificing the mod. I have the Oppo set to Video Source Direct Mode to my Radiance Processor because the Anchor Bay chipset is great but it's no match for the Lumagen.
X-Box One. Gaming on a nearly 10ft screen. In 7.1 Surround. Calibrated through the Lumagen. Bliss and Heaven.
Panasonic DP-UB9000 4K UHD Player [Modified Region Free]. Why, you may ask, did I add a 4K player to my system that can only project max resolution at 1080p 24/fps? Good question. First, future compatibility for when I can afford that JVC 4K projector! More importantly, many 4K discs are only including the new film restoration in UHD. Kubrick's FULL METAL JACKET and A CLOCKWORK ORANGE are just two important examples. This player will down-res the 4K image to 1080p/24 and it looks fantastic, so I can experience these new restorations that are still much better than their old Blu-ray counterparts.